Imperfect Foods Groceries - Helping to Reduce Food Waste


Who all is still having their groceries delivered?

In Minnesota we are no longer in “stay in place” orders with quarantine, but that hasn’t stopped me from continuing my online grocery deliveries. I don’t know about you, but the convenience is amazing, AND I am actually saving money on my grocery bill. No more impulse grocery runs where I go in for four items and come out with $130 worth of food for one person! That or the infamous Target run where you go in for a banana and come out with a new 5ft faux plant, sandals and whatever else was on sale that day. Shopping can be therapeutic, but with enough bills wracked up from the impromptu splurge here and there, you might just end up needing a little therapy when you get next months bank statement ;)

Even though there are huge perks with grocery delivery (health safety, financial saving, convenience) I personally always feel a bit guilty knowing that I’m adding to the overwhelming increase in packaging, and therefore creating more waste. But there is good news! Not only does my grocery service help recycle and reuse the boxes they ship their food in, but they also are helping to combat the fight of food waste in the food industry!! So let’s hear it for Imperfect Foods!!!


Imperfect Foods

Imperfect Foods is a grocery delivery service that is on a mission to combat food waste and I couldn’t be more excited to be an avid supporter! Their seasonal produce options are fantastic, they do a great job of supporting some fun smaller brands, and I love that they’ve been incorporating more and more vegan/vegetarian options.

Not only that, but they’ve also opened up my eyes to the wasteful food industry and how we need to do better.

  • 40% of the food in the US goes uneaten

  • $218 billion of food goes uneaten every year

  • 21% of fresh water supply goes to producing food that is uneaten every year

  • 20 billion pounds of fresh produce goes unharvested or unsold each year

So, if you’re like me and like to support a brand/company on a mission, head on over to the Imperfect Food website to see if it’s a good fit and a company you want to get behind. I’m been shopping with them since summer of 2019 and absolutely love them!

Happy Shopping,


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Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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