NEAT Method - Storage Organization with Lauren Alsup
Sometimes you just have to lean on the experts to GSD (get shit done).
With the extra time we have all been spending at home, I’m sure many of us have gone through your clothes, Goodwill’d extra toy or decor, and are looking at your STILL overwhelming amount of belongings stuffed into our closet(s). Well, that’s where Lauren Alsup over at NEAT Method Minneapolis comes in.
NEAT Method
Although I enjoy organizing my things (from time to time), as of lately I would prefer to hire certain things out to the professionals. So… a few weeks back I asked Lauren to come save me from my real estate staging closet. With throw pillows, trinkets, rugs, and even suitcases in the mix, I didn’t have the energy to know where to start. I wanted to leverage my very own “get out of jail free card”. AKA I wanted to be lazy and have someone else take care of the eye sore I had created.
Well, all I can say is that it was well worth it! She was in and out within a couple of hours and I didn’t lift a finger. It’s amazing how good it still feels to check something off your to do list even if you weren’t the one executing anything.
After seeing Lauren work her magic, I asked Lauren to share some of her organizing knowledge with my readers. She agreed AND was nice enough to sweeten the deal by offering all of my followers a promo code for 10% off your first 5 hours with code “NEATJEN”. But you’ll have to hurry! This deal is only valid through October 1st, 2020. Just shoot Lauren an email to redeem the offer and let her know Jen sent you ;).
Feeling like you have extra time on your hands, and wanting to tackle your own organization. KUDOS to you!! Check out Lauren’s tips below and you will be on your way to a successful DIY day!
NEAT Method
Lauren Alsup
While organizing may not come natural to everyone, in fact a Type A personality is rare, it does to me. I’ve been organizing since my blocks and legos needed to be sorted by color before I could go to bed. Fast forward, I now own NEAT Method Minneapolis, a luxury home organizing company.
NEAT Method is a lifestyle service committed to providing a more luxurious and smartly appointed living space. We recognize that life gets hectic and that maintaining an organized home can become a challenge. NEAT Method will design and implement a customized solution that is not only effective but sustainable in any of our 70 markets.
We work with a range of clients and families but all have one goal in mind, to go from chaos to order. We take on any space from playroom to garage. As a part of our service, we help clients identify what solutions and tactics will work best for their spaces and implement them.
But for you at-home readers here are a few tips that can help you tackle any space from a pesky kitchen drawer to playroom turned school.
Take a step back to think what exactly is bothering you about the space and what your overarching goals are.
Create a plan that can achieve those goals - in that include what you can edit out to declutter the space.
Once you have your plan, get started by taking everything out of the space and sorting it into categories. While sorting, remove any items that are well-loved, don’t work for you or your family anymore, or don’t belong in that space.
Once you have your categories defined and items all sorted, start to figure out where you want those categories to go back. (Hint: post-its are your best friend here).
After you lay out where you’d like everything to live, start to plan for the organizing product you’ll need. Think to yourself; what type of item(s) will go in the bin. Do you need a soft bin that won’t snag? Do you need a strong bin? Are the items heavy?
My top spots for products we use are: The Container Store, Amazon, or Target. Our most loved products are bamboo drawer dividers, Montauk bins and Linus bins (see “Shop the Post below for links).
After you have all your product together and installed it’s time to label - make sure you use labels that won’t smug or run.
Lastly, step back and enjoy your space!
Now, to keep up with your space, make sure all those who live in the space are well aware of the new system and know how to use it. Hold yourself and family members accountable. Furthermore, every few months - take a pass at the space to declutter anything that has popped up over time, and re-label if you change any categories.
Not a do-it-yourselfer, we are happy to help! Reach out to me at or check out our website at
Happy Organizing!
Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.